Psalm 32

flowers sunset

I picked up quite a bad virus from my grandchildren about ten days ago and unfortunately I am still not through it. Some mornings I wake and think 'will this be the day that I feel better?' and then I get out of bed and realise, 'no, not today'. I know it will pass, I know that in the overall scheme of things this is a minute issue but of course it is forcing decisions on me, choices, that I would not have otherwise had to make.


So as I contemplated some of those choices this morning I started my time with the Lord with this prayer:


'Father, I praise You for Your infinite power and grace and mercy and love. You alone are God, You know the end from the beginning and every day in between. Show me Your will Lord, that I might better serve You and Your face Lord, that I might love you more. 

Lead me Lord, give me wisdom, understanding and discernment to know and to do Your will and thereby proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus.'


And then I began to read - through Exodus where I heard more of the instructions for the tabernacle and the priestly garments ' for glory and for beauty' and on into Psalm 32 where He answered me:


'I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go, I will counsel you with My eye upon you'.


And I wanted to cry at His faithfulness to me - at His grace - that He would answer so clearly and so quickly and that He would assure me that there is not one moment when He is not listening and loving and caring and preparing and effecting - where He is not at work, causing all things to work together for my good - because I love Him and have been called according to His purpose.


I'm sharing this not because I was surprised but because this so often happens - I ask and He answers. Why? because that is His promise - call upon Me and I will answer you - and every time I call He makes good on His Word. 


So today, have you called upon Him? Is there something you need, something you want, something you don't know how to deal with? Is there a problem, a sickness, a tragedy in your life - are you unsure of the road ahead or which door to walk through? Call upon your God and He will answer - praise Him for who He is, for all that He has done and receive the wonderful assurance that He always gives:


'Many are the sorrows of the wicked, but he who trusts in the Lord, lovingkindness shall surround him'.


Listen - wisdom is calling…


Heavenly Perspective