Heavenly Perspective


Genesis 42 - Exodus 2:7


I have been reading through the account of Joseph and his family, an account littered with difficult trials and tests - first for Joseph and now here for his brothers. I can also see that God had a glorious plan - a plan to protect and make secure the family that would become a nation - the people who were to live for His glory and witness to His greatness in the world.


But how could their human eyes see the purpose in all of the details of this account? How could they know that the Lord was working out His plans in and through their lives? Yet, we who can read the end of the story are shown clearly the work of God and the fulfilment of His plans. 


On their way through their journey every person in this account learned - Joseph became a man, a leader, the one who would save his people and his brothers brought face to face with their sin and their need for forgiveness.


It was so complicated, with so many twists and turns and only from a heavenly perspective could it be seen for what is - the good, good work of a good, good God!


Joseph, looking back, found joy knowing that the hand of God was upon him and I too am reminded that I can call upon my Lord and ask for His hand to be upon me. I can know actually that His hand is leading and directing and guiding my steps - that His path is a path of light and life and love and that though I may not be able to understand the whys and the wherefores, the details of the valleys and the hills, nonetheless He is leading me home to glory!


And then this morning as I read about Moses I saw Miriam his sister being the vessel through whom God would begin to redeem His people. She it was who spoke to Pharaoh's daughter and she who gave the advice 'Shall I go and call a nurse for you......?'


Did she know the plan of God at that time? I don't suppose so - she was just a girl. But she knew enough to know that here was the opportunity to help her family - here was the opportunity to save this child - and she grabbed it, seemingly with no thought to her own welfare.


Isn't that the message for us today - we who belong to the family of God? isn't that what we are to be doing - asking our God to give us the words that we need even before we know we need them. Aren't we to be asking Him to make us ready, no matter what it takes, no matter the trial that we might have to endure? Aren't we to be asking for Him for understanding and wisdom - that we might see more of His plan and His purpose? Aren't we to ask Him to give us His perspective, the perspective of heaven, that we might always live in the light of His truth and do our part to witness to His glory ?


That's my prayer this morning - Lord open the eyes of my faith that I might see Your glorious work in my life and fill my heart with praise for Your glorious salvation.


Psalm 32


A Broad Place