True grace creates a desire for more grace

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Here is the acid test of faith – when Paul says in 2 Corinthians 13:5 ‘test yourselves to see if you are in the faith’ – here is the test.


Do you have a desire for more grace? Do you have a passion to know Christ Jesus – to know Him more, to know Him better? Do you have a desire to actually know Him in the experience of relationship – i.e. do you want to know how He thinks, what He says, how He feels and what He does? Do you want to sit with Him and hear His voice, do you have a longing for Him as David describes it in Psalm 63 – ‘O God, You are my God, I shall seek You earnestly. My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. 


Do you yearn for Christ Jesus? Does your soul thirst for Him? Do you have even the stirrings of such a passion? If not then pray, pray unceasingly. Pray that the Lord will give you such a passion, that He will give you a desire for more and more grace so that you are able to live for His glory and receive His joy.


Do not be deceived – we can all measure ourselves against other people and sometimes come out well. We can keep a list of rules and regulations and score pretty well by that list. We can go to church, read our Bible – we can get together with other Christians once a week and fellowship but if we do not have within us a desire for Jesus, a desire to grow in our knowledge of Him, to be closer to Him than to any other person, to love Him with every ounce of our being then we are failing the test of faith.


Cry out to your Lord, ask Him to stir up in you a desire for Him that will never dim. Ask Him to stoke the fires of passion that you might be able to love Him with all your heart, soul, strength and mind – tell Him that He is your great desire, that He alone is all that you long for and that He alone is the treasure of your life.


The Lord who speaks


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