He set my feet upon a rock


Psalm 40


Have you believed in, have you trusted, have you given your life to the Lord Jesus Christ? Then He has put a new song in your mouth and it is a song of praise. Are you singing it out – are you sharing that song with those around you – it’s a song of joy, a song of thanksgiving, a song that will cause others to see the Lord and to put their trust in Him.


Do you know that those who trust the Lord are blessed? That word in Hebrew is ‘asare’ and means envious desire – when people hear your song will they be brought to envy and desire what you have, all that God has done for you.  Do you sing of the wonders that He has done in your life – do you tell of the amazing miracle of salvation that brought someone like you, someone like me, into the family, into the presence of the living God? Do you know that there is no one and nothing that can compare with God and that if we were to try to speak of all that He is and all that He has done we would not have the words or the time to tell of them all.


Have you proclaimed glad tidings of righteousness in your congregation, or are you restraining your lips? Are you hiding His righteousness or are you speaking of His faithfulness and salvation? Are you standing on the authority of God’s Word and proclaiming that His lovingkindness and truth will continually preserve you? People need to know Your God, they need to see His greatness and His majesty and they need to take hold of His salvation that is offered freely in Christ Jesus. Won’t you stand up and declare His truth, declare His love and His grace that is available to all;  won’t you stand with those who love Him and say continually ‘The Lord be magnified’.


Father, my desire is to magnify You, to exalt the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in my congregation, in my home, my community, my city, my nation. Lord, teach me to discipline myself to spend time in Your Word, listening as Your Holy Spirit gives understanding and meaning so that I can go out in the strength and the power of Your Spirit and sing with joy the new song that You have put in my mouth.


Speaking blessing


Unpacking Grace