Matthew 13:44-46

tree canopy

Jesus spoke many parables - both to reveal and to conceal who He is. Often He said 'those who have ears let him hear' and we know that He explained to His disciples that for those with hard hearts the parables would only harden their hearts further - but for those who truly wanted to know the truth they would be like windows through which the light would shine. Here we read of two examples of a person finding something very valuable and immediately going out and selling everything else they owned so that they could purchase the treasure, or in one case, the pearl of great price. We know of course that Jesus is speaking about the Kingdom of heaven - but as I read this morning, I thought of something more that we could learn from these two short sentences. 

What are you struggling with in your life today? Is there a sin you cannot forsake, an attitude that keeps returning? Is there a situation that seems overwhelming or two paths set before you that both look so exciting but somehow there is a nagging doubt.....? Where do you find yourself this morning and how will you proceed? The answer to all of these things is found in these parables. 

We must fill our minds with the truth of God, of who He is. We must meditate on those truths so that we begin to go deeper in our understanding that here, revealed to us through the pages of His Word, is the great and awesome creator of the universe; here in front of us, calling us on, is the self existent, almighty, holy God. Here He is - the God who sees, who cares, who loves, the possessor of all things, the upholder of all things, the majestic King of kings and Lord of lords - the conqueror, the victor, the great I AM. 

We must make it our business to really see the Lord - as He is and not as we have imagined Him. We must see Him in all His glorious splendour - see Him mighty and huge and fantastic - see Him as the One we long for, the One we crave, the desire of our hearts and the very reason for our existence. We must learn to make Him bigger in our understanding, give Him His rightful place, One who is more than I could ever imagine and One to whom I long to draw near. 

In that way He will become what He truly is - the pearl of great price, the One in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. Can you begin to do that this morning? Can you ask His Spirit who lives within you to open the eyes of your understanding that you might really see Christ, high and lifted up, the name above all names, the One who holds you in His magnificent arms of love. 

As you do that all other things in your life will take their proper place. The sin that has been so tempting, so alluring will become dirty and small in your eyes. The attitude that has been filling your mind, that rejection or unforgiveness or envy or guilt will become something you cannot stand to live with for even another moment; the choices you must make, the situations that seem so overwhelming will all become clear or even disappear in the blaze of His magnificent glory. 

Do you remember the song? ‘Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will seem strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace'. 

See Christ as He is - as the pearl of great price, the reward at the beginning, in the middle and the end of your day. Turn your eyes upon Jesus and see Him - the ultimate awesome treasure of your life.


Psalm 46; Hebrews 11; 2 Corinthians 1