

I have been thinking recently about the effect Covid-19 might have on the internet and social media platforms - how as more and more people are confined in their homes the demand for connectivity with the outside world will increase.


I wondered if it might mean that we lost the ability to video conference, to FaceTime, to email, to post on facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc and if we did what would happen.......?


This morning I awoke with Amos 8:11 in my mind  - the statement by God that there would be a famine, not for the Word itself, but for 'hearing' the words of the Lord. And it came to me that perhaps the two would go together. Unable to chat online - to listen to sermons, to Bible readings; unable to post blogs like this - to encourage one another by messages etc. people would really go into this famine of hearing His words.


So today, I began to think about what we might do.......and I realised that we must now, today, be thinking about distributing Bibles - distributing tracts, leaflets with the Gospel clearly printed. We must give them to our neighbours - put them through letterboxes, leave them in the Library that is still open, take them to the supermarket as we go - be ready to hand them out to everyone and anyone with the same message - God loves you and He tells you how much in this Book.


At the moment we can still do that - it seems that London might go into lockdown from Friday so for those who live in London - you have today and possibly tomorrow! Write/type out the Gospel message, link it to verses in Scripture - start with John 3:16 and lead people to our great and mighty, gracious God.


For those of us in the rest of the country - do what you can to distribute the Word of God - people are afraid, they are searching and you have the answer they need in your home. Give away a Bible - order more online whilst you can - get them delivered soon and then give them away! 


Amos 8:12 says that people will 'stagger from sea to sea.......they will go to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, but they will not find it'.


This is His word to you - 'be prepared, this day is coming - I have given you the means and the ability to prepare people for what is coming.....don't waste it'!


Pray now…


Seize the day