Fountain of Life

Reading this morning and came to Psalm 36: 9 - For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light.

I was immediately reminded of John's opening lines in his gospel John 1:4-5. In Him was life and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it.

We have believed in the One who is the very fountain of life - He is the One who promised that He came that we might have life and life abundant John 10:10. And that Life is never ending, that fountain will flow throughout eternity......

We have believed in the One who promised that 'from our innermost being would flow rivers of living water' John 7:38-39 and we experience that living water, His Spirit, as we come to Him each day - seeking to hear His voice as He speaks through His Word.

And what of His Light? John will say that in His life was light - light that enlightens, that brings understanding, vision, clarity. In Him there is no darkness - He enables us to walk boldly forward knowing that His Light will never stop shining - that He will give us the all that we need to act wisely and to proclaim His glory out and into a world that lives in darkness!

If you have received this Jesus - the One who is described to us in His living Word then you belong to the Creator of all things - the One who was and who is and who will be forever your Redeemer, your Saviour and your King.

Be encouraged this day - His light is shining - He is the fountain of Life for your soul and He will cause you to know the joy of your salvation as you come to Him in and through His Word.

Hallelujah what a Saviour........!!

Ann Absolom - Desiring Truth


Put your hand in His


The Heart of Man